Unlimited faxes
worldwide 🌎

Start faxing in minutes — no faxing machine required

How It Works

Download the app

Fax from your iPhone or Android phone in 90+ international countries

Choose Document Format

Send just about any file type as a fax (PDF, DOC, JPG, PNG & TIFF, HTML). Use our advanced document scanner & image processing technology if needed

Hit Send and Done!

Send & receive faxes on the go. Dedicated number to receive faxes provided. No need for a fax machine.

The Most Popular Faxing App on App Store

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User Reviews

Over 250 000 Reviews With 4.6🌟Average

I never have had the urge to ever put a review for any type of app I purchase on Apples App Store but I need to tell me review and how happy I am with my purchase!

I was having a hard time finding a fax app that I could use without having to buy an excessive amount and somehow I stumbled on this app and it was perfect easy to purchase and easy to send a fax! 

I really needed to FAX some papers in a hurry and being in a small town in the middle of nowhere there really isn’t options, so I decided to use this app and was absolutely stunned by how easy it was to do that.